How Easy to Get Hired at Lionbridge

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Lionbridge A Work At Home Scam?Working from home is a dream for a lot of folks but before you jump into opportunities like Lionbridge, you may be wondering if Lionbridge is a work at home scam or will it give you real online jobs?

It's important that you do this kind of research because some products or programs out there can really take you for a ride and get you nowhere.

For a quick review if you're in a hurry, Lionbridge is not a scam and that they do have legitimate work at home jobs for you to apply for.

However, there's more you should know if you can to spare a few more minutes as you may find this is not for you after all.

I will take you through my Lionbridge review like this:

  • What Is Lionbridge?
  • What Concerns Me About Lionbridge
  • What You Should Do Instead To Make Money Online

If you don't want to a "JOB" anymore,
see My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Here Button


Lionbridge Logo

Program Name: Lionbridge


Price: Free

Recommended? No, though legit, more on this.

The latest type of outsourcing for companies these days is called Business Process Crowdsourcing and Lionbridge provides this service to companies looking to hire.

Companies that are looking to hire for open positions in their company will go to Lionbridge to help them hire the right person for the job.

All these jobs are work at home opportunities so it's great news for those who are looking for these types of positions.

Lionbridge Homepage

Lionbridge attracts people from all over the globe and so they have a big database of people to source from.

If you want to apply for one of these sought after work at home jobs, you will look for the positions available in your area.

If something looks interesting to you then check out the job description, and follow the application process which looks like any other online job application I've seen.

The Lionbridge's website is easy to navigate and in fact not much to it.

The types of jobs available at Lionbridge can range widely from transaction processing type jobs to high tech positions.

Most that I've seen are "Internet Assessors" where you will check a company's website to ensure easy navigation, good user experience, and point out anything that can be improved.

The pay at Lionbridge also ranges widely depending on the positions at hand, but the average I've seen is around $10-$15/hour.

The pay is not bad at all for the flexibility you have to have your own schedule and work from home.

There are also no major complaints about Lionbridge so that's a good sign.

I've seen a lot of things on the web, and if you can't find much bad reviews on something on the internet then it's pretty good.

However, I have some a major concern about Lionbridge.


Lionbridge offers jobs to people worldwide but if you look at what work at home opportunities are available, you won't be finding much.

They have a world map to search for jobs in your area but at the time of writing this post, they had very few jobs available.

Lionbridge Map of Available Work At Home Jobs

Out of 30 countries, there are only 17 countries that had anything available and of those, each only had 1 – 4 jobs available.

Most of those countries only had 1 opportunity and only 4 countries had 3-4 available positions.

In total, only 28 jobs were available for a worldwide market.

Not the best job market site to go on I think.

I live in the United States and there was nothing for us which I find weird.

I'm not sure what this means but I can't really trust a site that don't really deliver.

It must also mean they haven't partnered with enough companies that want to hire work at home jobs.

If you go to any other online job boards, you will have way more opportunities than what you see here.

For this reason, I do not recommend using Lionbridge to look for a work at home job as you're not going to have a chance to apply for one.

You can easily find other job boards that offer way more online opportunities.

However, if you want to find out what is the best way to make money online then read on.


I know having a job provides security and you are paid very quickly as compared to building an online business.

But, do you want to work for a boss for the rest of your life?

Don't you want to rather try to build something that will enable you to walk away from you job forever?

Don't you want to break away from your 9 to 5 routine?

You can do that by building an asset that can generate passive income for you.

How you can do that is by learning something new while you're still working at a job.

Because online businesses take time to build, you will be able to build it part time at nights or on your weekends.

The time you'll invest will be so worth the reward one day of saying good bye to your day job and the boss you love so much.

I'm not talking about any get quick rich schemes or scams, far from it.

I help people start their own online business because I've learned how to do it myself and want to help others.

After trying many things and also scammed myself, I found something that was everything I wanted that allowed me to learn safely how to build an online business.

Learning this new skill has provided me with the knowledge to create new ones far into the future.

You don't need a bunch of online businesses to make a full time online income, you just need ONE.

How you do this is all detailed out in my free make money online guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Here Button

I've written down everything I use, where I've learned, what business model is the best, and how YOU can finally make money online.

My guide explains everything you'll need to know and I hope you'll check it out so you don't have to be tied to a "job" all your life.

Break out from the norm and open your mind to new possibilities.


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Lionbridge is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below . I always reply to my readers! 🙂

Let's make money online!

Grace's Signature


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